February 18th 2016

Today was a much better day than yesterday. I didn't sleep much because I was up watching #DragRace All Stars, working on the #CharacterSelectScreen that I didn't finish for #IceFloe 2 #LoveFlow.

Work was relatively uneventful. T and I worked on consolidating a new photo database and brainstorming the best way to index the photos in the cloud. I also listened to students talk about their experience visiting the Pneuhaus studio. Seemed like a generally positive response. The morning felt very productive, but the afternoon was a wash. I oscillated between working on routine, tedious projects to being distracted by the internet. I started writing this thing. I thought a lot about #hypervaguery, #storage, an #asocialnetwork, and Levinas' reading of Celan strangely.

After work I had an awesome meeting with J about the graphic design for the NUA event invitation. We settled on a loose color pallet, paper hue, and general layout. We liked a previous year's design's use of dot patterns. I am very excited to screen print halftone gradients!

While mentor we had a pretty involved gossip/talking about dating session. I felt kind of envious that others could talk on the subject; I don't have any recent experience with those strange interactions one has when seeing new people... and Tinder and stuff.

After mentoring, I went to Z's opening at the drawing room. It was a group show in which all of the artists were paired up based on there myers briggs test results. Z and S's piece was an installation that comprised of a canopy made of diaphanous white fabric and mesh, stenciled with succulent designs in shiny violet and sea foam spray pain. Under the canopy was a white shag/faux fur cousin were you could sit amongst small potted plants and two hand sown and printed pillows adorned with Z's signature monsters. I really liked the white fur coupled with the potted plans and I always like Z's drawings. D and A came as well. I ended up spending more time there than I intended and just hung out with Z most of the time. It is great to enjoy one persons company so much :) Then I went home, met some people staying with us for the Seizing the Means of Reproduction Conference at Brown, made a stir fry, and vegged the fuck out.
